executive coaching & 
organisational psychology
Coaching with inPsight  
A Guide

Coaching engenders the development of understanding, reflection, and self assessment.  Coaching assists in the integration of new learning and leads to behavioural change.   Coaching occurs in a supportive and challenging setting and can include scenario or role playing, homework, and skillful feedback. 

There are a number of types of coaching and although described separately they are not mutually exclusive.

Transformational Coaching occurs where the Coachee is willing to adopt new approaches, to question, and possibly adjust, their values and beliefs, and they are willing to integrate new learning into daily living, regardless of what sphere that is in.  Often the Coachee can experience a paradigm shift in their thinking. 

Developmental Coaching, here the emphasis is on self knowledge, with the Coachee actively reviewing and assessing their current ways of communicating and working with peers, stakeholders and subordinates.  Clear assessment of what they value in being a leader and manager and how they bring this into their work is encouraged.  Goals are set around the Coachee’s values and the areas where they seek to improve their performance.  Achievement of goals is reviewed and barriers that may appear are addressed. 

Bridging Coaching assists valued individuals overcome short term or temporary difficulties in the workplace.  Coaching assists individuals identify obstacles (whether personal, situational or organisational) which prevent them from using their existing and previously effective skills.  Here coaching also assists in the development of new skills that may be required to re establish a high level of performance in their work and life. 

Sometimes coaching is used synonymously with training.  Coaching assists in the development of highly personalised skills, these are beyond the technical skill sets best addressed through formalised training.  
E   [email protected]m
     Adelaide, Australia