executive coaching & 
organisational psychology
Coaching Narratives

Leading the Change

A senior Executive, passionate and committed, wanted to actively participate at the highest level of his organisation, he became disillusioned when he saw the stereotype of an aggressive political player as a prerequisite to effective promotion of his ideas.  The resultant conflict and tension threatened to derail his performance and motivation.

At the outset of coaching he felt passive and impotent, having lost much of the desire for his senior role, feeling it inhibited him from making a difference at the “front line”.  

Coaching centred on 
unpacking his self talk around what he could not do or be;  
focusing on what he valued in life and how he could live those values in his work; and,
developing strategies to promote his leadership, by enacting his values at work, engaging in the process, effecting change and creating outcomes.

Coaching enabled him to zealously re-engage in work, renewing his focus, energy and commitment.
E   [email protected]m
     Adelaide, Australia